5 Ways to Save with a Shuttle!

Did you know that a shuttle can actually be the most cost-effectieve way of traveling? Sure, driving yourself may save you a few pennies in the short-term, but have you thought of the long-term costs? Here are the top five ways that you save with a shuttle!

1. Parking. When you drive to the airport or into the city, you’r stuck with parking fees. Whether they are “cheap” at
under $10, or “normal” at around $25 per day, this adds tons to your travel. Even better, when you take a shuttle
from NJ to NYC, you’ll never get a parking ticket!

2. Tolls. For the bridge, for the road… those tolls are everywhere. While they only seem to take a few dollars from
your account each time, this adds up! Avoid them completely with a high-quality airport shuttle to JKF,
LaGuardia, or Newark!

3. Car repairs. Did that pothole try to eat your tire? Did a wayward driver sideswipe your car? When you drive, you
risk creating auto expenses—not to mention insurance premium increases! Save by taking the Sussexpress Shuttle.

4. Wear and Tear. Even if you’re the most careful driver, every mile you put on your car puts wear on your tires,
wiper blades, engine, and more! Let Sussexpress handle those costs while your car sits safely in your driveway.

5. Time. If time is money, then a shuttle service is paying you! Take the time you’re not spending driving to get more
work done, take a nap, or simply relax and enjoy the beautiful NY/NJ scenery. When was the last time you did that
while driving? With these great reasons and more, taking a shuttle isn’t just the easiest choice, it’s the smartest choice.
Start your cost-effective travel today by booking a reputable shuttle in NJ!


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